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A few of my favorite details🤩 #leatherwork #leathercarving #detailsmatter #itsallinthedetails #leatherart #smtx #satx #westernstyle #customleather

I guess you don’t HAVE to be a doctor to carry this doctor’s bag. Imagine how cool it’d be if you were though🤔😎 #doctorbag #timeless #handmadeleather
Bonus points if you tag a doctor #👩⚕️ #👨⚕️ #🩺
This bag is for sale so feel free to DM me if you’re interested in getting ahold of it before it hits the website and Etsy. #leathercarving #smtx #luxurious #curator #customleather

Sew many stitches 🧵🪡🤲 #doctorsbag #doctorbag #customleather #handsewn #handstitched #saddlestich #processreel #oddlysatisfying #howwedoit #leathercraft

Hoping to get this bag finished today. The miter joint along the bottom was a little stressful in the doing but it came out perfect👌#leatherbag #doctorbag #leatherwork #leathercarving #handmadeleather #smtx #gruene #cowboystyle #hermannoakleather

Edges burnished, holes pricked, and hardware in place. Time to start stitchin🤘🤘🤘#dudeswhosew #sewmuchfun #stitchintime #leatherwork #doctorbag #custommade #westernstyle #leatherbagdesign #leathercarving #smtx #satx #atx

It took a couple of tries but I think I’ve got a pair of handles I can be proud of. #wipwednesday #handmadeleathergoods #leatherhandle #custommade #handsewn #saddlestitch #leathercraft #leatherwork

The fun part is done! I could do the carving, tooling, and coloring parts of this job all day long. The assembly and sewing, not so much. Nevertheless, I’ve got a couple more parts to make before I can start putting this bad boy together. I think a pair of classy handles is really gonna top this whole thing off nicely.

Gusset carvings are done, now time to knock out a billet. This is going to be so cool. #customleather #leathercarving #sheridanstyle #leatherwork #westernstyle #leatherbag #bagdesign #smtx #satx

Side one is done🙌 This may be the most challenging carving I’ve done to date, and I’ve still got another one to do yet. Think I may knock out a few of the smaller pieces this week before I tackle the next one. #leathercarving #leatherart #leatherwork #leatherbagdesign #westernstyle #sheridanstyle #hermannoakleather #leathercraft #smtx

Y’all are gonna want to follow along with this one. I’m not spoiling the surprise until either someone guesses what I’m making or it becomes obvious once I start putting the pieces together. I’m going waaaay out of my comfort zone on this one so it should be a good time all around🤘 #leatherart #leathercarving #sheridanstyle #hermannoakleather #smtx #leatherdesign #customleather #satx #atx #texashillcountry

Wake and bake #420 #greenlife #smoketwojoints #wakeandbake #cosmiccowboy #becauseigothigh #leatherwork #leatherart

This is one of my favorite ropers from last year. You can snag it on the website or checkout our new Etsy shop. #leathercraft #westernfloral #leathercarving #roperwallet #longwallet #leatherwallet #customwallet #cowboystyle #westernstyle

Decided it was about time for a new shop apron #apronenvy #shopapron #leatherapron #somanypockets #tradesman #tools #makersgonnamake #leatherwork #customleather

Gettin a good shot of a cylindrical object ain’t easy so I made a reel 🎥🎬🔥🔥🔥#hornedlizard #leathervase #leatherart #leatherwork #smtx #texaswildflowers #bluebonnets #daisy #westernfloral #sheridanstyle #ranchin

This might be my new favorite carving. What’d y’all think? #wildflower #texaswildflowers #hornedlizard #ranching #leatherart #westernstyle #daisies #bluebonnets #smtx #gruene

TIL hornytoad is a banned hashtag😂 Here’s a #closeupshot of the one from the flower vase I’m working on. #leatherart #leathercarving #hornedlizard #texashornedlizard #westernstyle #smtx #satx #sheridanstyle #hermannoakleather

Pickin up where I left off🤘🤘#wip #flowervase #leathervase #leatherwork #leathercarving #hornytoads #cows #bluebonnets #daisies

Let’s see how much progress I can make on this beauty today #hustlin #leathercraft #ranchlife #hornedlizard #hornytoads #bluebonnets #daisies